Mario Lopez is celebrating the coming of his new baby

The star and the X- Factor host Mario Lopez is celebrating by the coming of new baby on Monday night. His wife Courtney Mazza delivered their baby who is boy, Dominic Lopez, on Monday in Los Angeles.
The story began at , o’clock when Mario Lopez came to the hospital when he knew that his wife will have a baby and then the couple took a nice photo when Courtney seemed calm and happy and Mario was kissing her, they were in the delivery room. Mario was so excited and happy; he was waiting to know if the baby is a girl or a boy.
After that he wrote on twitter that he is welcoming by the new baby who is a boy and Mario and Courtney and the baby are good.
Mario Lopez and Courtney Mazza have a daughter, Gia, who is 3 year old and the family had celebrated in her birthday for two months in a lovely party to prove to Gia that they love her and the coming of new baby will not change anything.
Now they have new person in their family and they are so happy. The star of Saved by the bell, Mario Lopez, is celebrating with his wife and his daughter the coming of the new baby.
This event will reflect to Mario’s work and will give him push to the front to be more successful.
Mario Lopez is good and famous actor and host and in the same time he is good father and lovely husband and he is a kind person and deserves all good in his life and his work.
We wish him the better in his life and we wait to see him in new and good works as we always see him.



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